April Struggles
This trip is more for my own record keeping than for any sort of chest thumping. After my triumphant return from North Carolina where I absolutely slayed the trout three weekends ago, I have once again been humbled by Massachusetts pisces. I spent Friday, April 18 fly fishing two local ponds, both recently stocked, for trout. After fours hours I managed just three small bass on a woolly bugger and go bit off by a pickerel. Saturday April 19 was spent in the kayak on Ponkapoag where the reward for three hours of battling high winds was one small bass and one small pickerel. On Friday April 25 I spent a lovely afternoon fly fishing Buckmaster with a friend. No fish. Followed that with a trip to another stocked pond in the area, 5 hits, no hookups. On Saturday, I stood in the rain at Houghton and Buckmaster for a total of 4 hours with only a single pickerel showing up. Yesterday, April 27, NEKF held it's Spring Thing event at Chebacco. Three hours on the water and one pickerel. It can only get better from here.