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Canandaigua Lake Comments

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User: vinny60
Comment: Poor fishing exists around Squaw Island because of carbonate of lime deposits. Pickerel, the swimming submarine will strike most lures but the one Fred finds most productive is a Mister Twister spinner with a purple tail. Another lure he is successful with is a white, chartreuse or yellow spinnerbait. Both are used over weed beds. When still fishing for perch and rock bass use live perch minnows, crayfish or night crawlers. The main salmonoid forage is smelt & sawbellies in Canandaigua and the optimum temperature for lake trout is 58- 60 degrees. The Trout roam the shallow cool water in April & May. Shallow trolling with a flat line rig is productive. In the summer time deep troll with down riggers, dipseys or Seth Green Rigs at a depth of 50 to 60 feet. Use sutton spoons or NK- 22 thru NK- 28 as productive lures. If you prefer to anchor and still fish then use live bait like crayfish, minnows and worms. NAPLES CREEK- At the south end of the lake there is a spring spawn run of rainbow trout. In the springtime drift egg sacks or worms in the creek exploring holes for rainbows. When angling from shore targeting trout little Cleos are the tools needed through the month of May. When fishing for smallmouth bass in the summer months try anchoring in 25 to 30 feet of water. Use crayfish or perch minnows with light tackle. If you are going to cast lures then crank baits over the rocks and gravel will be successful. In the autumn months a 1/4 ounce hair or curly tail jig near rocky shoreline or points will put smallmouth in the livewell. Ice fishing occurs at the north and south ends only. Because of the depth of the lake and the constant current the lake water doesn't freeze completely in winter.
Date: 09/07/09 01:26 PM

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